Sunday, 21 August 2011


So today I spent the whole day sorting out my wardrobe and realized I have a plethora or unwanted/unused items. 

Apparently you can only upload 20 items at a time onto eBay. And apparently my arms can only carry two bin-liners of clothes to the charity shop. 

So to give MANY MANY thanks to those reading this blog and support during its short lifetime I'd like to give away the following items for FREE. 

I'm feeling a little down as I'm wondering how my non-paying internships will pay my rent this month (especially after turning down a well paid non-dream job) so all you have to do is leave an amusing blog/fashion-related comment on this post to get one of the following fab items! Easy. Then I'll post it to you.

Below: Hedkandi straighteners beach house gift set! RRP £50!! 210 deg ceramic plates, beach bag, beach mat passport cover, mirror and eye mask! What a whopper

Dermalogica skin set: cleansing gel, microfoliant, smoothing cream and multivitamin power firm cream. You'll be so sexy smooth with this! Worth thirty five whopping quid!!!

Burt beeswax lip balm, body lotion, and body jelly...

Victoria Beckham fragrance and Barry M nail paint weird crackled wall stuff....

Feel free to comment below :)


  1. Kirst!

    As previously mentioned I have been following this blog since you launched it... and I have to say I am finding it quite addictive! I would also like to invite you to inspect my wardrobe the next time you are in the might town of the Don and visiting Tina... that was in no way an ambiguous chat up line.. I think I've got my own sense of style going but your ideas would be good!
    Although if they are going to be like the time that you wandered into our front room took one look at me at exclaimed "Yod have you put on some weight" I would rather not. I can only feel that you working with Gok in some way shape or form, will only make your bluntness more profound it that is at all possible!

    Anyway if this qualifies as a suitable comment I've got ure straighteners eyed up as a up and coming birthday present ha ha

    Anyway keep up the good work

  2. golly gosh this post was to encourage comments on my blog and get rid of all my stuff! Sending private bidding messages is not the way forward!
    please leave your message here :) xx
